The American bald eagle’s life is once again being threatened. The NRA praises Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s March 2, 2017, reversal of President Barack Obama’s ban on lead ammunition use. The initial Jan 19 ruling that prohibits lead, in ammunition and fishing tackle, was made after observation of the harmful effects lead has had on fish and wildlife.

By 1995, the eagle was upgraded to threatened in all of the upper 48. By 2006, the EPA estimated there were 9,789 nesting pairs. The EPA removed the bald eagle from the threatened and endangered list on Aug. 8, 2007.
Now, the American bald eagle and other wildlife are at risk of becoming endangered again, due to ingesting environmental poison. The reason is that ammunition containing lead is causing the death of bald eagles.
Read Carol's full article, to learn more about the plight of wildlife against lead ammo, at Guardian Liberty Voice.